What is a VPN as a Service? (VPNAAS)

While traditional consumer VPNs require a type of VPN infrastructure on the user’s end, a VPN as a Service provides a secure and easily accessible connection that is integrated with the organization's cloud infrastructure. The VPN as a Service is easy to set up and can be deployed anywhere in just a few minutes.

VPNaaS is a new modern architecture of VPN technology which is precisely blueprinted for the cloud. VPN as a Service enables organizations to provide secure access to their employees for the company's applications and resources in the cloud.

Additionally, VPN as a Service improves the security of the company’s cloud architecture with a more flexible and scalable option instead of the outdated traditional VPNs.

Why You Need to Switch from a Consumer VPN to a VPNaaS

VPN as a Service (VPNaaS) provides redundant Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) network access that enables secure connections between private networks and public cloud providers, or cloud to cloud connections via VPN gateways that link projects or regions. IPsec is the secure network protocol suite that authenticates and encrypts data at the IP Packet Layer.

Establishing virtual tunneled connections with IPsec between network resources and an external device and user requires two main components: Malta System’s VPN client software and secure network access gateway.

The IP traffic that flows between the two components pass between the Malta System private gateway and the client thereby creating an IPsec connection to establish a secure VPN communications tunnel. The private tunnel or tunnels and the data traveling over any network, public or private, is encrypted, keeping all data private and secure.

Using Malta System’s service, enterprises can now control VPNaaS management across multiple public clouds or private networks, all in one platform.


Providing employees, partners and customers with remote access to servers, applications and network resources, on-premise or in the cloud used to be rare, yet now it’s the norm. At the same time, technologies such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) that provide remote access functionality have not kept pace with the security requirements and ever-evolving threat landscape of today.

VPNs, introduced over 30 years ago, can enable safe, remote access to the Internet through a point-to-point secure connection by creating an encrypted ‘tunnel’ through which IP traffic flows. Consumer VPNs make organizations vulnerable, however, because users are granted access to the entire internal network when logging in and not restricted to specific network resources making consumer VPNs one of the weakest points of failure with respect to identity access and credential management.

Critical consumer VPN limitations include lack of network segmentation, traffic visibility, on-premise user security, and lack of Wi-Fi security. Traditional consumer VPNs are not suited for dynamic networks because they require computer hardware, constant management and cannot easily adjust to network or server changes. This makes it more complicated to scale and rapidly adjust for new users and network locations and increasingly difficult to effectively manage hybrid and cloud-based computing architectures.

In contrast, the VPN as a Service model addresses traditional VPN limitations while providing a flexible cloud-based platform, device and application configurability as well as accessibility, increased security, privacy and user-access control granularity and analytics.


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